
Brides Against Breast Cancer - Charity Wedding Gown Sale

I personally bought my wedding dress, over twenty years ago, at a GIGANTIC dress event in Seattle.  It was a fabulous way to find a great dress and get a fantastic deal!  To make it even better - it would've been FANTASTIC if I knew that the $$$ that I paid for that dress was going to a great organization  like:  Making Memories Breast Cancer Foundation.   Theses dresses are donated by designers, retailers, manufacturers, and individuals and start at just $99!  All the sales go to benefit the educational programs and wish grant funds for Making Memories Breast Cancer Foundation!  Sooooo very Cool!
So mark your calendar for July 16 - 18th starting at 11am  - for more details click on the link!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a great opportunity for brides to find the gowns of their dreams while helping grant wishes for people with stage IV breast cancer! For more information and to pre-register, please visit http://www.bridesagainstbreastcancer.org.

Making Memories Breast Cancer Foundation