
{Ayling Family Session} Seattle WA Portrait Photographer

After spending some time with Lezlie & Chas at their wedding rehearsal dinner  I was able to fit in two family portrait sessions.  Martin and Karin and their family live right on the river in North Bend (we are so jealous!)
The light was a bit harsh - but were were able to find some open shade under a tree and the warm glow of the setting sun created perfect light for their images. I used my newly repaired Canon 70- 200 L IS Lens for the river images.

At first - we had entire family in this image  - but I could see that this would make a fabulous image of just the two of them.  The light was just perfect, warm and glowing, these images are straight out of my camera, again using my 70-200, I am so glad to have this lens back.

We had just about 20 minutes before I had to leave for my next appointment, so we rushed over to Martin's "secret spot".  What a gorgeous location!  It also just happened to be about 2 miles from my wedding location the next day - I knew instantly that I would be bringing the bride and groom here.  (I will blog those images soon!)

Mom wanted a few individuals of the kids - aren't they cute?! 

1 comment:

Aaron said...

That third one from the top, where Martin's son is skipping a stone....that right there is a great image! Nice family photo.