
Brides Against Breast Cancer - Charity Wedding Gown Sale

I personally bought my wedding dress, over twenty years ago, at a GIGANTIC dress event in Seattle.  It was a fabulous way to find a great dress and get a fantastic deal!  To make it even better - it would've been FANTASTIC if I knew that the $$$ that I paid for that dress was going to a great organization  like:  Making Memories Breast Cancer Foundation.   Theses dresses are donated by designers, retailers, manufacturers, and individuals and start at just $99!  All the sales go to benefit the educational programs and wish grant funds for Making Memories Breast Cancer Foundation!  Sooooo very Cool!
So mark your calendar for July 16 - 18th starting at 11am  - for more details click on the link!


Super Fun! I'm featured on a Running Blog!

Much to my suprise - on April 27th I was the featured "Runner" for the http://www.hillsandhammies.com/
So very cool! Maria and I met at a Ladies that Launch Event - and hit it off right away. I loved her line of clever running cards - check them out  http://www.bananablossompress.com/.  I picked out one for my running partner's birthday - she is going to LOVE it!

Maria also blogs about everything to do with running and is an awesome resource for anything you need to know! You can also find her on www.twitter.com/bananablossom or www.facebook.com/bananablossompress!

Brittney's Bridals -

Gorgeous Brittney  - just days before becoming Mrs.Brittney Twigg! I had so much fun taking her pictures! 


2010 HS Senior Session with Kendra at Gene Coulon Park

FYI - sunny does not always mean warm.  We canceled Kendra's first session because we were FREEZING and really, who wants a picture of themselves with their teeth chattering?!  So....we moved the session to Saturday. It was still cold and a little windy - but I think we still captured some great images!

Oh and BIG bonus for me.....Kendra's mom passed on her Saturday's Warrior Volleyball Club sweatshirt to me.  Just so you know Karalee - I wore if for the rest of the day at Linda's tournament. Thank you so much!


The Easter Bunny left me a few albums and CDs.....

First - I have to say that our family "Easter Egg Hunt" was one of our very best in a long time! Paul came out with a genius idea for egg prizes and Ayden joined us from BYU via web cam. I walked around the backyard with my lap top and he would help Leo and Linda find the eggs with clever clues. It was seriously hilarious - and wonderful at the same time. Oh and HUGE bonus for Leo - he found his old debit card under our deck!! Can you believe that kid?! Sheesh!

Seeing the colorful eggs in beautiful natural settings gave me the idea to take a few pictures of the albums and CDs that I are going out to clients this week.....


I'm in love with one of my clients!

It's true!!  Isn't he handsome?! Love you Paulie!


Soos Creek takes 2nd Place in Stake Tournament!

I am so impressed with our Soos Creek YM basketball team this year! My son, Leo #5, and husband Paul (the coach) have had such a great time!  Last week they had a team party over here and played about 4 hours of basketball on our sport court.  Good luck to Maplewood Heights and Soos Creek in the Reigonal basketball tournement!

Paul's men's team took 1st place in their stake tournament and our Soos Creek YW also took 1st place! Woo Hoo!!