
Friends since 9th grade....now our daughters are HS friends!

Today I had the opportunity to photograph my daughter and the daughter of one of my best friends. Both were seriously due for a photo session and they love hanging out together anyway! Going through the pictures I couldn't help but smile and laugh. Here was my 9th grade daughter goofing off with my friend's daugther and it reminded me that Carrie and I met in HS in 9th grade  - our lockers were next to each other.  We were part of an AMAZING group of friends....that are still dear to me today.  And as if it couldn't get any better, our daughters have been friends for years and  have so much fun together! It seriously warms my heart to see them laughing and having fun!  So...... I felt inspired to find a recent picture of Carrie and I together...and compared it to the one of our daughters today....like mother, like daughter.....literally!

Here are a few of my favorite images from the session....

I like this crop even better - Linda can't wait to use it for her FB profile!

I was inspired by the cover image of my recent issue of Professional Photographer magazine.....

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